Next generation connectivity that will innovate your business
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Software-Defined - Wide Area Network (SD-WAN) is a combination of technologies designed to offer a simpler approach to the WAN. It’s being driven largely by the decreasing cost of bandwidth and the increase in cloud applications that reside outside of the legacy data center. SD-WAN can be deployed over existing WAN connections, whether they are Internet (DIA, broadband, LTE) or private (MPLS, private line), in order to create a secure, private, fully meshed network. It offers simplified management, quicker turnup, better application performance, improved resiliency, and cost savings when compared to traditional approaches. MR2 curated a portfolio of SD-WAN providers that include all of the market-leading providers that provide the following SDWAN solutions:
Applicance (technology) based SDWAN solutions
Cloud-base SDWAN solutions
Carrier-bundled SDWAN

Cost savings vs. expensive private networks
Decreasing the cost of Internet bandwidth
Improved performance for cloud applications
Increased resiliency and uptime across the entire network
Simplified network management, especially at branch sites
Drastically shorter time to deploy new locations.